On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence, Alamal Women’s ( AWSF) Foundation warns of the rising rate of violence against women in Yemen.

The Alamal Women’s Social Cultural Foundation and the Justice for Yemen Coalition issued issued a joint statement on” the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict” , serving as a strong reminder of the UN Security Council Resolution of 2008 condemning the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and an impediment to peace. One of the major causes contributing to the spread of sexual violence is the silence of victims out of fear of social stigma.
The statement also reaffirms the call to defend and protect women’s rights from violations and solves complexities in Yemen. It urges human rights organizations, international institutions, and women’s rights activists to intensify their efforts to enhance and protect women’s rights in Yemen.
The Justice for Yemen Coalition in this statement calls for immediate cessation of violations, adherence to international agreements, support for women-led organizations, handling cases of sexual assault confidentially, protecting female prisoners, and urges the international community to take responsibility and activate accountability principles It emphasizes improving protection systems for survivors, documenting and reporting cases, prioritizing evidence-based research and accurate statistical analysis.

The text of the statement is in the following link:

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict: Justice4Yemen coalition’s joint statement


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